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Brittle Roots

Graphic by Blake Weyland

Planted too early or maybe too late
a seedling forgotten in the shadow of my ancestral home.
Fertilized with Round-Up and cigarette ash,
I did prevail.
Left rooted in place, as that building crumbled
allowing me to see more
than I had ever known.

When the winter of my adolescence
melted from my strangled leaves,
that glorious sun warmed my limbs
and my shoots grew without inhibition,
without any doubt.
Given room to grow, room to thrive.

How was I to know that these roots,
Unnourished, unknowing of any
loving soil,
could never reach the heights I now knew?

And, as the seasons did shift again,
ambition could not be supported
by my withered roots.

Left to die in winter’s cruel embrace,
Left to rot in the smile of the sun.