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How many miles to babylon?

graphic by kayleigh woltal

We are creatures of habit 
but also creatures of assimilation 

I see it in the way I tried to make myself more appealing,
more digestible to you. In the way I was forced to be 

Your therapist, a sounding board for your ideas and
Problems sans the and what about you?

How are you doing? Is something I would have 
Liked to hear just once. Just once would have 

Probably made me tolerate you longer / Maybe I’m glad.
Maybe I’m glad things revealed themselves to me

The way they did so that I am now here and you are
Way, way there. Like a nondescript horizon

Coming up over the boat submerged in cerulean
Blue. The kind of blue that’s half-melancholy, half-summer.

I’ll never reach you. Better yet, you’ll never reach me.