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I Will Love Myself First

For Valentine’s Day, self-described “emotional” artist, Honey, explored self-love through this digital art piece. Read their inspirations for the piece below!

“Despite being a hopeless romantic, I really struggle to think of ways to illustrate romantic love. So when I first saw the prompt, I immediately thought to create something based on self-love. I was feeling really down about being unable to go out and mingle because of the pandemic, so I’ve been trying very hard to love myself first. To prioritize myself, and realize that I am enough with or without a partner. All the things included are those I usually do to “treat myself” — except for the nail polish because I’m terrified of getting nail polish into my cooking! In terms of the style, I’ve been really enjoying this lo-fi comic look I can achieve with digital raster brushes, so I incorporated that current obsession into the piece.”