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The Seven Daughters of Sin

Artistic collaborators Enya Moore and Ishara Serrette spent years developing a visual art series exploring “humanity’s feral desires and corrupted intentions,” and their ideation manifested into “The Seven Daughters of Sin.” With their shoot, they explored subverting the expectations of the seven deadly sins through the different faces each sin displays. Like people, when they are slowly consumed by corruption, their purest forms show. “ … just as people have many faces, the sins do as well.” Read Moore’s in-depth ideas behind each sister below:

“Each sin was posted in order from the ones we considered youngest to oldest, making Envy the youngest and Greed the oldest despite Pride being called the original sin. We wanted each of the ‘sisters’ to show the two extreme sides of each sin, going from the lowest form of corruption to full-on corruption. Envy was at the wedding of the person she loved, jealous and angry at them for hurting her. We wanted to show that Envy wasn’t just jealousy but it was also anger and sadness. Sloth wasn’t as much a story, but we felt that sloth isn’t just about being lazy, but about literally being weighed down by these chains, unable to move. Pride is of course self-obsessed, believes she is the center of attention. Lust was interesting because we decided to play on the innocence lust can have sometimes. There’s often an odd attraction to this younger, innocent type of person and we wanted to show that as opposed to what may normally be seen as lustful. Wrath is happy about the pain being inflicted, even though it’s a sin about anger and rage, we believed that inflicting pain and suffering would cause Wrath joy. Gluttony started off trying to be civil around the cake, eating it nicely on a plate in her fancy dress but eventually got consumed by her unquenchable hunger. And lastly, for Greed we wanted to do something more than just money so we had the idea that Greed would be a hoarder. Because she’s so obsessed with the material things in life and is never satisfied, it only makes sense that she would hoard everything.”






